People lined up the streets in Downtown Tampa today to honor fallen army Staff Sergeant Ricardo Seija who died in Afghanistan earlier this month.
One of the more than 50 people who lined up on the corner of Bayshore Boulevard and Bay to Bay Boulevard was Stuart Taijeron.
He calls himself a military brat and says today's escort was personal to him.
"So I left work and brought my family out to show them some of the aspects of where we should have pride and who we should appreciate," he said, " I mean our true heroes versus some of the things we see on TV."
Taijeron stood with his 4 children and wife, Angelique Taijeron who wanted their children to take something meaningful from the experience.
"I want to teach them why we're here, why to be proud to be an American," she said. "This is a little tiny bit of history that they might not always get in school, you know."
Sergeant Ricardo Seija was one of the two Tampa Bay Area soldiers who were killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan July 8th.
Another escort will be held Wednesday for fallen Army Specialist Clarence Williams III at 9:30am.