A second hole has formed in Holiday, where a hole developed in a driveway and swallowed a car.
Pasco County spokesman Doug Tobin says the new hole opened Tuesday in a roadway and grew about 10 feet wide. No other cars or property was damaged and no injuries were reported.
Tobin says work has been suspended on a nearby sewer lift station due to the subsurface activity. Engineers have to confirm that the depressions are sinkholes.
The first hole formed Monday and grew to 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep. The mobile home at the brink of that hole was condemned. Five other homes were evacuated.
A private geologist hired by the homeowner says a third hole could be developing nearby. No new evacuations were ordered.
Here are the latest details from Pasco County:
- Pasco County Fire Rescue, Emergency Management responded to a report of a depression that developed at 1728 Torch Street in Holiday, the call came in at 10:45 a.m. Fire Rescue arrived on scene within two minutes.
- Fire Rescue responded to a call that the ground gave way in the driveway and a car fell into the hole.
- Pasco County Government is not calling this a sinkhole at this time, until an engineer confirms what it is. At this point we are using the term depression or a subsurface anomaly.
- The depression is on private property and the private insurer of the property will be responsible for doing the geological survey of the property and remediation of the depression.
- The depression is currently 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep.
- When Pasco Fire Rescue arrived on scene at 10:45 a.m. the hole was 4 feet wide and 4 feet deep, and the car in front of the home only had a tire on the edge of the hole. Within 15 minutes, 11 a.m. the hole had grown to 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep and the entire vehicle had fallen into the hole.
- The mobile home (1728 Torch St.) has since been condemned by Pasco Building Inspector until the property has been remediated.
- Emergency Management is recommending five other homes in the immediate vicinity of the depression to not stay in their homes until the ground has been declared stable.
- Six families have been evacuated as a safety precaution, this includes the home in front of the depression.
- The Red Cross has also been called to assist residents find temporary shelter. At this time they are working with six families.
- Pasco County is working on a sewer lift station near the property. But at this time there is no evidence to suggest any of the work caused the hole.