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How investors and large corporations that are buying more single-family homes are putting a pinch on homeowners and renters across the greater Tampa Bay region.

What’s your experience renting a house from a large corporation?

A "For Rent" sign is staked in the front yard of a yellow home managed by Calebro & Associates, LLC. After calling the number on the sign, Burke spoke with the legitimate owner and realtor, Bert Calebro.
Gabriella Paul
WUSF Public Media
A "For Rent" sign is staked in the front yard of a yellow home managed by Calebro & Associates, LLC.

WUSF wants to know what it's like for renters in the greater Tampa Bay region who live in a build-to-rent neighborhood, or who rent a home owned by a large corporation.

Investors are buying more single family homes. They come in many forms, including individuals, smaller corporate entities and large-scale corporations, which are often backed by Wall Street.

Many end up listing the homes as rentals.

WUSF wants to know how the type of investor can influence a renter’s experience, as measured by:

  • How did you find the rental listing?
  • How is the property maintained?
  • How is the communication of rent increases and/or other rule changes?
  • How is conflict resolved?

Share your experience with WUSF by completing our form below.
And if you’re willing, a reporter will contact you for a story.

I tell stories about living paycheck to paycheck for public radio at WUSF News. I’m also a corps member of Report For America, a national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms.