Kevin Spear - Orlando Sentinel
Lawmakers’ allocation of $400 million protects thousands of acres of wildlife corridor.
Scientists probe why Florida grasshopper sparrows nest among DeLuca Preserve cattle.
The fate of a last wildlands frontier hinges on politics, policy and tasks such as probing mosquito blood meals.
Ecology thinkers are pursuing wildlife corridors, innovative land purchases, and millions of dollars.
A vast wilderness linking Central and South Florida was spared when plans for a massive development fell apart and the land became the DeLuca Preserve. What’s next may be a great environmental success.
Florida wild corals rescued from disease spent a year in Orlando gaining health and are now at a New Jersey aquarium for long-term care.
Within the slender, 30-mile long Mosquito Lagoon in Brevard and Volusia counties, mangroves are asserting dominance.
The historic rise of South Florida sugarcane farming turned the giant Lake Okeechobee into a toilet for polluted waters draining from as far as Central Florida and flushing ruinously via canals to coastal estuaries at Fort Myers and Stuart.
A legacy of the hasty construction of the dam and reservoir in the 1960s is that it left many trees in the reservoir's boundary.