Florida Democratic Senate candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is launching an effort to directly reach Spanish-speaking voters through the popular encrypted messaging platform WhatsApp. It is part of her broader effort to reach Spanish-speaking Latino voters in an increasingly tight Senate race.
Florida's red is getting deeper, with Republicans voters outnumbering Democrats by 956,000, according to new data from state Division of Elections.
Republicans have continued widening a gap that began in 2021 after the GOP overtook Democrats in registration.
Democrats point to DeSantis backtracking his book ban policy and Republican leadership refusing to pursue certain culture war bills as proof his influence has slipped.
Florida Democrats and progressive groups are trying to reverse what they see as restrictions on voting that have hurt predominately minority and underserved voters.
Florida Democrats blasted Gov. Ron DeSantis’ State of the State address, arguing it avoided important issues that may be inconvenient for his 2024 Presidential run.
Republicans control Florida's Legislature, Supreme Court, Governor's Mansion and Cabinet posts.
Florida's progressive and moderate Latino Democrats are at sharp odds after watching more of the state's Latino voters flock to the GOP in midterm elections.
The state will have a completely Republican cabinet and possible supermajorities in the state legislature, and the future of Florida Democrats is uncertain as a result.
They say Crist must also focus on abortion rights and remind voters about unpopular aspects of DeSantis’ pandemic leadership.
During a press conference earlier in the week, House Democratic Leader Evan Jenne called the effort a “Hail Mary.”
The analysis showed that voters in nearly two dozen buildings in a six-mile radius had their party registration changed to Republican at rates more than 10 times the statewide average during the past year.