College officials stress the importance of young people making it to the polls. They say that usually, about 70% of USF students register. However, only 30% of those actually cast their vote.
Speaking during her fall address, Rhea Law also provided updates on USF's football stadium and university achievements over the past year.
In compliance with the law, gen ed courses cannot include curriculum “based on theories that systemic racism, sexism, oppression, and privilege are inherent."
When it comes to total compensation, USF's Rhea Law trails the presidents of Florida, Florida State and Central Florida.
USF allergist Dr. Thomas Casale told an FDA advisory panel last year. that of the 6 million prescriptions written for EpiPen auto-injectors each year, more than 40% are never filled.
Abdul-Rasheed Saminu will be the sixth USF track and field athlete to ever compete in the Olympics.
Professionals from 50 U.S. states and 69 countries enrolled in the course.
USF will host the headquarters of the Global Virus Network, and Dr. Robert Gallo will join the medical school's faculty and help develop a nationally competitive virology research program.
Communities throughout the greater Tampa Bay region lost funds for infrastructure programs such as water main replacements, stormwater system repairs, shoreline revitalization, and road projects.
For programs not among the Power 5 athletic programs, like USF, it could make it harder to compete and pay recruits. But athletic director Mike Kelly says the school is well-positioned for the future.
Weatherford Capital is one of two firms creating a platform to help athletic departments find funding with college sports on the verge of sweeping change that could have long-term financial implications.
The organizers announced that although USF officials did not meet their demands, they are encouraging members to end the protest due to health concerns. The group also said it will continue its efforts.