The goal is to make it easier for the public and the state to make sure they comply with state laws that restrict sexually and age-inappropriate materials.
Florida is already preparing to defend its new social media ban for kids under 14. The measure was signed into law Monday by Gov. Ron DeSantis, alongside House Speaker Paul Renner and other state officials.
The novel "Identical" by Ellen Hopkins has been banned 22 times in U.S. school districts. Hillsborough's decision to keep the book bucks that.
Litigator Katie Blankenship was named Florida director for PEN America this week.
"America's Censored Classrooms 2023" documents more than 100 bills introduced across the country that aim to restrict discussion on LGBTQ- and race-related issues in educational settings. Many are modeled after Florida legislation.
Judy Blume, James Patterson and Michael Connelly are among 24 prominent writers who have raised more than $3 million to help PEN America open a center in Miami and expand it efforts to counter Florida’s surge in book bannings in recent years.
Pinellas County School District is reviewing 87 books. Some of the authors are joining with anti-censorship groups to push back, pointing out that a lot of the books in question are "by and about marginalized creators."
A number of initiatives across the state aim to highlight the growing concern some parents and others have about book removals in public schools.
Between July and December 2022, the free speech advocacy group PEN America reports Florida school districts banned 357 titles.
Professors say House Bill 999 would be horrific for academic freedom at Florida's state universitiesThe proposed bill also targets funding for diversity, equity and inclusion programs.
The event comes as state lawmakers seek to limit what topics can be taught at Florida's public colleges and universities.